I teach in the areas of legal studies, punishment and corrections, criminal justice and comparative law and politics. In addition to university instruction, I speak to a variety of audiences outside the academy. You can watch a video of a talk I gave on designing high school curriculum about law in China here.
INSTRUCTOR (Ohlone College)
Administration of Justice 101, Introduction to Administration of Justice
Administration of Justice 102, Criminal Law
Administration of Justice 118, Criminology
Legal Studies Global Access Program 400, Law in Action
Legal Studies R1B, Punishment & Capital Punishment
Legal Studies 170, Crime & Criminal Justice (with Elizabeth Tejada and Richard Perry)
Legal Studies 161, Law in Chinese Society (with Rachel Stern and Robert Berring)
Legal Studies 109, Aims & Limits of Criminal Law (with Richard Perry)
Photo (above): blackboard after review session for Law in Chinese Society, Berkeley.